Membuat Rule Failover untuk MikroTik

Dalam dunia jaringan, menjaga konektivitas yang stabil dan andal adalah hal yang sangat penting. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan keandalan jaringan adalah dengan menggunakan failover, yang memungkinkan beralih ke jalur internet cadangan jika jalur utama mengalami masalah. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk membuat rule failover pada router MikroTik. Persiapan Sebelum memulai, pastikan Anda memiliki: Dua koneksi ISP yang terhubung ke router MikroTik Anda. Akses ke antarmuka administrasi MikroTik melalui… Read More »

Memahami Rule MikroTik

MikroTik adalah perusahaan yang terkenal dalam dunia jaringan karena perangkat keras dan perangkat lunaknya yang andal dan fleksibel. Router MikroTik memungkinkan administrator jaringan untuk mengkonfigurasi dan mengelola jaringan mereka dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan rule (aturan). Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas beberapa jenis rule MikroTik yang umum digunakan, dan bagaimana mereka dapat membantu mengoptimalkan jaringan Anda. 1. Firewall Rules Firewall rules adalah aturan yang digunakan untuk… Read More »

[G] SlowDNS Tunnel V-1.0

[G] SlowDNS Tunnel. This is an application still in the development phase, meaning this is the second time being published. Publish version is 1.0 for now. This application build in 32bit version, but still can running on 64bit, we have try to use in win10 64bit and it can running succesfully.. What is the tool, what is the application? this is [G] SlowDNS Tunnel, which can tunnelling your PC by… Read More »

Cara menggunakan Fitur GlobalSSH Clash Config Builder/Converter

Berikut kami sampaikan panduan standar/dasar/simpel untuk penggunaan clash config builder di halaman globalssh. 1. Silahkan buat akun trojan/vmess/vless/shadow dulu di web 2. Setelah sukses lanjut masuk ke detail akun/product 3. Lihat detail akun yang sudah dibuat, kemudian pilih layanan/service mana yang akan digunakan di openclash, tls/grpc/http. Copy url link yang ada pada detail akun. 4. Buka halaman globalssh clash builder/generator di 5. Silahkan masukkan/paste url vmess/trojan/etc ke kolom… Read More »


Clash uses YAML, YAML Ain’t Markup Language, for configuration files. YAML is designed to be easy to be read, be written, and be interpreted by computers, and is commonly used for exact configuration files. In this chapter, we’ll cover the common features of Clash and how they should be used and configured.U can use notepad ++ to easy edit the configuration. Default.yaml Clash works by opening HTTP, SOCKS5, or the transparent proxy… Read More »

[G] Trojan Tunnel V-1.1

[G] Trojan Tunnel. Hmmm, what is that? on this occasion we will share an application that we think will be very useful for all of you PC user . What is the tool, what is the application? this is [G] Trojan Tunnel, which can tunnelling your PC by Trojan VPN with your trojan tunnel account. This is an application still in the development phase, meaning this is the second time… Read More »

[G] VPN Tunnel V-1.1

Yuhuuu.. New Update for VPN Tunnel here, adding cloak vpn system on application. Current Version 1.1 On previus version feature is a combination for STUNNEL engine and OPENVPN Engine, now for update version (1.1) app Cloak-VPN feature added on this application. Cloak default set for 32bit machine, but if u need id to run in 64bit u can download 64 bit ck-client, then replace current ck-client in [G]-Library with your… Read More »

[G] Quantum Tunnel V-1.0

Hii guys..September Ceria right. Hmmm on this occasion we will share an application that we think will be very useful for all of you PC user . What is the tool, what is the application? this is [G] Quantum Tunnel, which can tunnelling your PC by Quantum VPN with your quantum account. This is an application still in the development phase, meaning this is the first time being published. Publish… Read More »

[G] VPN Tunnel V-1.0

Hello Agustus, on this occasion we will share an application that we think will be very useful for all of you. What is the tool, what is the application? Yeaaaa, this application is called [G] VPN Tunnel. This application is a combination of several systems, there are STUNNEL engine and OPENVPN Engine.This is an application still in the development phase, meaning this is the first time being published. In the… Read More »

[G] SSL Tunnel V-1.0

Hello guys hello, on this occasion we will share an application that we think will be very useful for all of you. What is the tool, what is the application? Yes, this application is called [G] SSL Tunnel. This application is a combination of several systems, namely the system from the injectors and also the Tunneling system that has been directly combined with the forwarder. This is an application that… Read More »