How to Use HNH as Inject and combine it with Multi SSH – HTTP Net Header V4 BetaR

We will explain how to use HNH application from our site step by step. This post contain tips how to use HTTP Net Header as an inject and combine it with multi SSH. 1. Open the HTTP Net Header.exe 2. Fill payload, generate your payload, or just load the config that you saved before. 3. Click Menu and select SSH Settings 4. Check use SSH 5. Fill ssh tunnel setting… Read More »

How to Import HNH Config on HTTP Net Header V4.0.0 BetaR

We will explain how to use HNH application from our site step by step. This post contain how to import Config on HTTP Net Header V4.0.0 BetaR . 1. Open  HTTP Net Header.exe 2. Click the menu, as shown below 3. Select the menu Config 4. Select the Import menu 5. Find the location of your config being saved (remember the extension must be .hnh) 6. Select Config and click… Read More »

How to create vpn account in globalssh

We will explain how to create vpn account in step by step. Remember, you have to know the rules before you want to create vpn account in our web. ——————- What is the rule? ====== Username at least 3 character (don’t include number in your username). Password at least 5 character (you can use number, letters or both). Type captcha correctly into form (remember our captcha is sensitive, so please make sure first that… Read More »

HTTP Net Header V4.0.0 Beta Release

HTTP Net Header v4 BetaR for PC :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ==================================================== Mode: # Inject only (Uncheck use SSH) # Inject + Tunnel (Plink + Bitvise) # Tunnel Only (Choose Direct Connection bitvise/Plink) ================================= Features # Multi Login SSH (max 2) # Manual Payload # Generator Payload # Support until 2 Split # Save and Load ( Lock with antisniffer and Unlock : payload, proxy, host, user ) # Auto Load Default Config… Read More »

How To Create SSH Account From GlobalSSH server

We will explain how to create vpn account in step by step. Remember, you have to know the rules before you want to create vpn account in our web. ——————- What is the rule? ====== Username at least 3 character (don’t include number in your username). Password at least 5 character (you can use number, letters or both). Type captcha correctly into form (remember our captcha is sensitive, so please make sure first that… Read More »

Cara Mencari Bug Host Untuk Mengisi Payloads

Bagaimana sih cara mencari bug host agar bisa membuat config HTTP Injector atau membuat inject untuk semua operator ?     Banyak yang PM ke saya menanyakan serpeti itu, daripada menjelaskan satu-persatu mendingan saya posting saja disini. Apa yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan internet gratis ? – Bug Host – Proxy Original / Squid Proxy – SSH / VPN (ini optional, ngga wajib, tapi kebanyakan menggunakan ini) 1. Cara Mencari Bug… Read More »

Cara Membuat Config HTTP Injector Lengkap Terbaru

Penjelasan Lengkap Cara Menggunakan Dan Membuat Payloads HTTP INJECTOR   Disini saya akan menggunakan HTTP Injector untuk percobaan bagaimana cara membuat config HTTP Injector. Jika kalian bisa memahaminya maka bukan cuma di HTTP injector saja tapi untuk membuat inject sendiri juga bisa. Hanya berbeda sedikit tapi maksudnya sama Method, ada banyak sekali method tapi yg sering dipakai diataranya – GET – HEAD – POST – DELETE – TRACE – CONNECT… Read More »